Vancity in Canada has 57 branches in 19 Towns. Most of them are located in Vancouver (19 branches), Surrey (6 branches), Burnaby (6 branches), Victoria (4 branches) and North Vancouver (4 branches).
Vancity Victoria4 branchesVancity Richmond2 branchesVancity Delta2 branchesVancity Surrey6 branchesVancity Vancouver19 branchesVancity LangleyVancity New WestminsterVancity Burnaby6 branchesVancity ChilliwackVancity AbbotsfordVancity MissionVancity Coquitlam2 branchesVancity Port Coquitlam2 branchesVancity Maple RidgeVancity Pitt MeadowsVancity Port MoodyVancity North Vancouver4 branchesVancity SquamishVancity Alert Bay
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